Excel to Project import
Couple of things you need to make sure of in the Excel spreadsheet when you do this. Mainly, make sure that the sheet doesn't contain any rows above the data you want to import - don't include fancy headers, merged cells etc. It works best if row 1 on the sheet contains the column headers and then the data is listed immediately below it.
You also need to make sure you've mapped the columns in the Excel spreadsheet to the relevant fields in Project (it's one of the steps in the import wizard).
To start the import:
1 - From the menu choose File -> Open
2 - On the dialog box, change the Files of Type option to look for Microsoft Excel files
3 - Choose the file you want to import and double-click on it.
4 - Follow the Wizard by clicking the Next button
5 - When you're asked, choose to create a New Map
6 - When you get to the Task Mapping page, use the drop lists to match your Excel columns with the Project fields
Hope that helps.