Importing Excel Spreadsheet


Steve Wade

I am trying to import a very 3 column spreadsheet into MS PRoject 2003. I
follow the mapping wizard but when I click FINISH I get a message saying
OPERATION FAILED. That's it. No further detail. I have tried selecting Tasks,
Resources, and assignments with the same results.



Are you using either Project 2007 SP-1 or Project 2003 SP-3? If so,
the "legacy file" format may be at issue. Project seems confused by
the excel file format.

Go to Tools > Options, Security tab. Select the option "allow loading
file with legacy or non default file formats."

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project

Steve Wade

Thanks Julie. I was using Project 2003 SP2. I upgraded to SP3 and applied the
settings you mentioned. Worked like a charm!



I am currently using SP2 (stated in "about), and I see from previous emails
that I need SP3 to be able to impory excel spreadsheets...

This might be a stupid question but what does SP2 & SP3 mean?? And how do I
get it?




Hi Nicole,

The abbreviation SP stands for "service pack". Service packs are
periodic incremental releases of software patches and, in some case,
enhancements to existing software programs. It sounds as though you
do not have the most current service pack for Project 2003 installed.
To get the most current service pack (SP-3) you can run Microsoft
Updates from your computer to check for the most recent updates to
installed Office programs, including Project. In Windows XP try Start
All Programs, and you should see either Office update or Microsoft

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project



I am a MS Project Professional 2003 hobbyist. It has been my
understanding that excel spreadsheets with resource/worker information
e.g. hourly rates, overtime rates, etc can be imported into MS Project.
Is there a template for this spreadsheet? How can one be created and
understood by MS Project? What other details could be included on such a
spreadsheet? Much thanks in advance for any guidance.

Phil Pense

Rob Schneider

Easiest way to do these sorts of things is to setup in Project a sample
of the fields you want to import. Then export these into an Excel file.
then, using that Excel file as a template, get our information into that
format. Then import that Excel file back into Project.

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