I work with people who insist on using Excel for text documents instead of
Word tables.
I'd like to import the data into a word table to show them how much more
convenient and easy it would be to use Word than Excel.
I've tried several ways to copy and paste rows or columns of data, as well
as the whole worksheet into a word table with limited success. I don't want
to spend hours correcting the document for demonstration purposes.
If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them
Word tables.
I'd like to import the data into a word table to show them how much more
convenient and easy it would be to use Word than Excel.
I've tried several ways to copy and paste rows or columns of data, as well
as the whole worksheet into a word table with limited success. I don't want
to spend hours correcting the document for demonstration purposes.
If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them