Importing/Exporting to PPT from PhotoPaint


Jan Il

Hi all - PPT 2002 XP, CDGS11

I want to bring in a background graphic that has been created in PhotoPaint
into a PPT slide. What format would be best to save the background in for
the best quality and clarity. There will a series of animations that will
also be going into the background, including a mist/fog effect, so I need to
have the background detail as clear as possible.

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Best regards,
Jan :)

Jan Il

Hi Geetesh!
If it is a picture or has a gradient, use JPG or PNG - if it contains solid
blocks of color, try looking at GIF or PNG. You might also want to check
this article:

File Formats for PowerPoint - by Jennifer Rotondo

Part of it is a photo, but, there are some parts of it that have been cloned
and color touchups added. That is why I was not sure of the best format. I
will certainly check out the website information you have added here.

Thank you very much for the information. I really appreciate it.

Jan Il

Part of it is a photo, but, there are some parts of it that have been
Frankly, I didn't think much of Ms. Rotondo's article; she recommends TIFF, but
TIFF and PPT have been uneasy partners for the last few versions; PNG gives
all the advantages of TIFF, frequently better compression, and is what PPT will
convert the image to internally anyhow. Might as well start with it in the
first place, if that's what's appropriate.

And it sounds like it would be in your case, Jan.

The PNG actually was my first thought, as I have used them in PPT before
with very good results. But, since it was a mix of various additions, a
photo basic, and never doing this before, I was not sure. The ghost ship
will be added to this background, along with the mist and the whitecaps of
the waves. The ship and others will also be animated in the slide show.
Therefore, details of the background will be very important.

Thank you for the clarification, I really appreciate it. I owes ya a
Doubloon... ;-))

Jan Il

Part of it is a photo, but, there are some parts of it that have been
Frankly, I didn't think much of Ms. Rotondo's article; she recommends TIFF, but
TIFF and PPT have been uneasy partners for the last few versions; PNG gives
all the advantages of TIFF, frequently better compression, and is what PPT will
convert the image to internally anyhow. Might as well start with it in the
first place, if that's what's appropriate.

And it sounds like it would be in your case, Jan.

Steve, another question if I may. Is it possible to import a symbol created
in CD11 into PPT 2002 XP?
If so, can it be manipulated? I mean, treated as any other shape or symbol
(i.e. rotate, animation, etc.)
Or, do they have to imported in a different format?

Jan :)

Jan Il

Steve, another question if I may. Is it possible to import a symbol
ISTR that Draw has its own format for symbols (at one time they were a variant
of fonts, in fact) so I don't think you can import them directly, but you
should be able to copy/paste special, as (experiment with the different
options) and get there just as easily; just that you'd have to have Draw on
the 'puter too.

' the part of the copy/paste I do this, do you
mean that I only need to have DRAW on the 'puter at the time I do the
pasting stuff, or also the one I open the show on, or if I send it to
someone else, they need to have DRAW on their 'puter too? Just so I'm clear
as mush 'bout this, 'cuz the symbol is going to be one of the main subjects
to be animated, along with my fogs and mists, but they're not symbols.

Jan :)

Jan Il

' the part of the copy/paste I do this, do you
If you paste as a picture format, then it's fully embedded in PPT and there's
no connection to Draw. IOW, all you need is PPT and your file. Or the viewer.

Or if you prefer, you could export the symbol from Draw as WMF, EMF,
WhateverWorksBestMF and Insert, Picture, From File to bring it into PPT.

Then you could carry your original graphic around with the presentation if you
like. Security blanket thing ... never know when the Pointy Haired Ones will
decide they want to make One Little Bitty Change. Twenty seconds before

Got'cha! I do believe it might not hurt to bring the graphic along for the
ride, just in case things go botzo somewhere along the way, or as you
say...Powers that B make last minute mistakes and I have to clean up. I
just didn't want to get into a tight space with dependency on 'others' to
keep it all workable. What they say they have, and what they actually have,
are often 5 different things, depending on where they look and what they're
looking at.

Thanks for the added input. ;-))

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