Importing field from a database?



Not sure if this is where I should post this? Hoping someone can help.
have a Word 2000 document. In the middle of one of the sentences,
want to add a customers name. The name will come from a field in
Works 97 database. There are about 80 records in the database and
want to print a copy of this document for each client with there nam
in there.

Can this be done? If so, how?

Thank You Very Much,



yes u can surely can
there is something called the mail merge wizard
u can use it to write letters n documents n sent it to a no of peopl
with theit names on it
ull have to of course take the trouble to insert all their names unles
u have it in ur address book
its under tools letters and mailings
i am also not quite a champ so ull have to use the wizard
i ve used this option before but with the help of my computer teacher

Charles Kenyon

If your Works database can save the data to a tab-delimited or comma
delimited file, it can probably be used for a Word mailmerge. Does the Works
word processor have merge capability? If so, you might find it simpler to
use that instead of Word.

Charles Kenyon

See the MVP FAQ: <URL:> which is awesome!
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