importing files into One Note



So far have been cutting, pasting and dragging items into
One Note.
Can one print from say a pdf or word document directly to
a One Note file?

Erik Sojka

Do you mean the same way that you can create a Microsoft
Journal file by printing a document using that print
driver? No.

If you're running the SP1 preview (and have the Office
2003 MODI Print Driver) , you can insert Office documents
as pictures into a new page in OneNote (Insert menu
| "Document As Picture").

For a PDF document, you would have to convert the
document to a format recognized by the MODI applications
(easily done by manually printing it to the MODI print
driver) then Insert | Document As Picture, or Insert |
Picture | From File


Thanks for the reply.

do you know of any plans to create a print driver as they
have done with Journal?

I like One Note but don't see myself moving beyond the
evaluation copy without such a print driver.

Erik Sojka

I don't speak for Microsoft and do not know of their
future product plans, but I'd imagine not.

Printing to a Journal file prints to a single file, while
printing into OneNote involves the issue of using the
print driver/dialog box to determine where in the OneNote
hierarchy you want the printed image to appear.

Microsoft already does give you a way to insert a printed
image of a document into OneNote (via Insert | Picture or
via the MODI import).

I will admit that it may not work in everyone's
workflow. If you're in another application and say "Hey!
I want this document to be in OneNote." then you have to
close the file, switch to ON and then insert it.

Peter Engrav \(MS, OneNote Dev Manager\)

We believe it would be possible to write such a print driver (and handle the
multiple-pages-issue) using the "Data Import API" new in OneNote SP1. I
haven't heard yet of anyone attempting such a project.

Peter Engrav (MS, OneNote Dev Manager)

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