importing from Eudora



I've just imported a bunch of e-mail from Eudora, and a bunch of the e-mail
that I've received in the past now has the Eudora x-flowed tags visible.
That is, they start with <x-flowed> and end with </x-flowed>. Since
Entourage doesn't seem to handle these tags properly on import, is there
some other way of getting rid of them? Or is there a way to make Entourage
handle them properly when importing? I'm not necessarily averse to
re-importing my mail, although it would be a lot of work. Thanks!


Barry Wainwright

I've just imported a bunch of e-mail from Eudora, and a bunch of the e-mail
that I've received in the past now has the Eudora x-flowed tags visible.
That is, they start with <x-flowed> and end with </x-flowed>. Since
Entourage doesn't seem to handle these tags properly on import, is there
some other way of getting rid of them? Or is there a way to make Entourage
handle them properly when importing? I'm not necessarily averse to
re-importing my mail, although it would be a lot of work. Thanks!


Entourage is behaving correctly - these are plain text messages, so the
<x-flowed> tag isn't really a tag and shouldn't be interpreted that way.
Format=Flowed compliant mail clients willrecognise the tag and interpret it
in their own way, but non-compliant clients will treat it as plain text.

We (meaning I and many other entourage users) would love to see
format=flowed support built in to Entourage, please send feedback to the
developers to say you want it too!

You can send feedback to the developers on this issue. Use the last menu
item under the 'Help' menu - "Send Feedback on Entourage". This message will
go directly to the developers. The more people that request this feature the
more likely it is to be implemented.

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