Importing from Excel to Access



I am coming up with errors when I'm importing from Excel
to Access. The error message is "field truncation." The
way I saved my Excel Sheet is in Tab Delimited so that
all my data comes through, otherwise, most of my data is
eliminated. What do I need to do so that all my data
comes through and I receive no more errors? All
suggestions appreciated.

John Nurick

Hi Yolanda,

If you're importing from a tab-delimited file and the data that's being
truncated is longish text value (more than 255 characters), Access is
probably trying to import it into an ordinary text field. You need to
import it into an Access memo field instead (make the setting in the
Text Import Wizard).

If importing directly from Excel there's no opportunity to control the
field types directly. For work-rounds, see Joe Fallon's message here
yesterday with the subject "Re: importing from a named range in a
spreadsheet", and onedaywhen's followup.

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