fwiw, it's best practice to match the post subject to the post question.
Also this information is available at
http://www.publishermvps.com .
Version 2002 introduced the ability to open an html file (still present in
2003). However Publisher is not an html editor nor a web design tool. So one
has to keep this "ability" in context.
For example if you browsed to a web page, say for example
www.cnn.com and
did File, Save and saved the html file locally, then opened that html file
in Pub 2002/2003, you may or may not get an accurate outcome. And all you
can do is move the objects present, you can't access html code.
There was a specific reason this ability was introduced in 2002, one which
has nothing to do with my example above, it was for a Publisher specific
reason (aka function). And it's a long story I won't go into now. It's
demise was clear by version 2003, and I expect it to be purged from the
product in the next release next year. As such I don't know that the next
release will retain the ability to open an html file.
David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]
Lynn said:
I posted this about a month ago and got no answer. If you do not have
Publisher 2003, is it possible to "open" html pages in publisher?
Amature Web Designer