importing large numbers of jpegs



Is it possible to bulk import a large number of jpegs into word at one time
instead of one by one? We have a word document we want to insert into another
document but keep the header (and pagination) of the original and still be
able to paginate in our document. The only way we have seen to do this is by
coverting the word document into a pdf file and then converting each page to
a jpeg file and importing them into the word document. Is there a less time
consuming way of doing this or should we hire students?!

Margaret Aldis

Yes, much easier ways <g>.

You first need to understand that the page layout is held in section breaks,
and that each section break holds the layout for the section *above*. After
the insertion, therefore, you are aiming for a section break before and
after the inserted document, with headers and footers unlinked (i.e. not
Same as Previous) and with the page layout of the middle section the same as
the pasted document. If you do it by copy and paste, you'll therefore need
to insert a section break where you want to insert and unlink the headers
and footers in the section after the break. In the document to be inserted,
insert a section break at the end of the document, copy everything in that
document up to and including this final section break, and paste it
immediately after the section break in the target document.

For full details and also instructions for doing the same thing using Insert
File, see

The only other thing you may have to adjust is the page numbering - you may
have to change the page number 'start at' details for the inserted document
and for the follow on section, depending on what effect you are trying to

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