importing multiple excel spreadsheets into access



I am trying to use the "transferspreadsheet" action through the use of a
macro in order to import multiple excel spreadsheets. Each week a new excel
spreadsheet will be created with the file name in the format
"weekof_mm_dd_yy.xls", and i would like to tell access to read in each week's
file. When the macro asks for a file name, what should I put here so that
this process will automatically read in these files?



Use the same name in your macro but rename the weekly file
before hand
Here is the code to rename the file and run a
transferspreadsheet macro. I am assumint he directory only
has the one file in it. Watch out for wordwrap.


Dim stDocName As String
Dim strfilename As String

strfilename = Dir("c:\testimport\*.*")
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click

Name "c:\testimport\" & strfilename As

stDocName = "transferspreadsheet"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command1_Click

Good luck


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