Importing multiple fields from excel to one master



I'm using the database wizard and am trying to import multiple text fields
into one master. I have an excel table with a list of parts and for each
part is has a part name, part number, and location. They must be in
different shapes because each field has different formatting.

I've tried using group shapes and doing various things, but I can only get
it to work with one text field and one shape... not with multiple fields.

Please Help! can this be done?

Al Edlund

Does your master shape have user/custom properties named the same as the
fields you are trying to import? v2007 shouldn't have any problems with it
if they are.


Do I set the custom properties before I import/link the excel file?

Right now I create the shape/s with two text blocks that have random text
(lets say "part name" and "part number"). Then I save the master shape, then
use the wizard and link that master shape to the excel file. AFTER it's
linked to the database, the properties I see the properties I want to use in
the shape sheet for one of the shapes (Prop.PartName, Prop.PartNumber).

Then I have tried to either edit the master again, or copy a new master, and
instead of the hardcoded text in each field, I replace it with an actual TEXT
FIELD, which I set the value to that new custom properties that appear in the
menu, or I use a formula to locate those properties if it's in the other
shape. (ex, =Sheet.1!Prop.PartNumber). But then since I have edited or
created a new master, I try saving the master and relinking it to the

Should I be creating custom properties before I link to the excel file? If
so, how do I know what the name of the properties will be before I import
them , because sometimes it adds a random number to the end - like

Thanks for your help!


I am using Visio 2003

Al Edlund said:
Does your master shape have user/custom properties named the same as the
fields you are trying to import? v2007 shouldn't have any problems with it
if they are.

Al Edlund

The custom property is the target of the excel column when doing linking, so
it has to be there when you start. There is one shape text per object, "text
field" is a separate function. What version of visio are you using?

Al Edlund

Sorry, didn't read this post before responding to the previous. A single
shape is tagged to a single record in your spreadsheet, the columns and
field names have to match. To check your spreadsheet I'd suggest that you
draw a diagram similar to what you think you want and then use the database
wizard to export the data to excel. You can then compare what Visio thinks
it should look like with what you have prepared offline.

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