Importing only new information



I have an updated database that has some new information
but mostly are duplicates of what I currently have in the
original file. I want to combine the two dbases with the
output (new table) so only the new entries are shown. Does
anyone know how I would import them or use a query so only
the new entries are shown and not the old information.

John Nurick

Assuming you just need to add the new information (without the
duplicates) to the existing table, and working for safety;s sake on a
copy of your existing database:

1) Make sure that the existing table has "no duplicates" index on the
field or combination of fields that determine whether two records are
duplicates. (E.g. if you need to exlude records with duplicated ID
fields and ID is already the primary key, it's already indexed; but if
the definition of "duplicate" is "same LastName, FirstName and
Telephone" there needs to be a single index containing those three

2) Use File|Get External Data|Link to access the new data as a linked
table in the existing database.

3) Create an Append query to append records from the linked table to the
existing table.

4) Run the query. Duplicate records will cause key violations and will
not be appended.

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