importing products



Hello, I have an online store designed through Publisher. Currently i add
products on on my publisher site manually (one by one!). Is there a way to
import products using csv files.

Thank you


There may be a way to do what you are wanting to do, but in my opinion
Publisher is best used for fairly small simple, static sites, not large
dynamic sites. Perhaps you are outgrowing it and it is time to look for
another program to build your site that uses a dynamic "content management
system" like Joomla which is PHP and MySQL based. Also look to your host for
other server side solutions for eCommerce. Perhaps you can just integrate
the eCommerce pages into your Publisher site...



It is possible to use CSV files in publisher

Create the CSV file
In publisher select > Insert > Object > Create New Object > Browse and
select your CSV file. It will look like a table on your webpage.



Another method

Open the CSV file
Highlight the area you want
Right click Copy
Open the publisher page and right click Paste
Move and size it to taste


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