Importing Specific Tabs using macro



I have an excel spreadsheet that is sent to me everyday with 4 tabs of data
on it. Currently, I manually import each tab to a separate table using the
get external data function in Access 2000. I would like to use the transfer
spreadsheet operation in a macro to automatically import each tab in the
spreadsheet to its correct table in Access. Is there a way to do this?
Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.


Jeanette Cunningham

I suggest you create a macro that has 4 separate Transfer Spreadsheet macros
in it.
Setting up the macros is pretty easy.
Create a new macro
For the action choose Transfer Spreadsheet.
Click in the Action and look at the lower pane of the macro.
There are several lines to fill in.
Help is available by pressing F1 for each line you need to complete.
When finished this macro, leave a blank line or two, then create a second
action using Transfer Spreadsheet but this time the details in the lower
pane of the macro are for the second tab on the workbook and the second
Repeat the process for the next 2 worksheets.

Jeanette Cunningham -- Melbourne Victoria Australia

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