Importing text and getting 'not a valid path' error


Max Moor

Hi All,

I'm importing from a text file using an SQL statement:

strSQL = "Insert INTO tblImport (Name, Address) " & _
SELECT F1 As Name, F2 As Address " & _
FROM " & strFilename & "#" & strExtension & " " & _
IN '" & strFullFilename & "' 'Text;'"

strFullFilename = "C:\Documents And Settings\Max Moor\My Documents

strFilename = "test"

strExtension = "txt"

When I execute the statement, I get an error that the path in not
valid. The path in the error message is correct, and the file really is
there. Is there a quirk with the SQL syntax that I'm missing? Any other

Thanks, Max

Joe Fallon

Not sure, but sometimes Long File Names screw things up.
Try using the short file name for the path.
(6 letters and ~1 are usually correct.)

Documents And ... becomes Docume~1

Max Moor

Hi Joe,
Thanks for the response. It turned out that in the SQL statement:

strSQL = "Insert INTO tblImport (Name, Address) " & _
SELECT F1 As Name, F2 As Address " & _
FROM " & strFilename & "#" & strExtension & " " & _
IN '" & strFullFilename & "' 'Text;'"

where I was using the fully p[athed filename, as strFullFilename, I
should have only been using the path, without the filename. It works just
fine with that change. FYI


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