Importing Text File to Excel


Matthew MacCarthy

How is it possible to import data from a text file into
Excel so that each data element is contained in its own
cell, instead of an entire line of the text data being in
one cell?

Dave Peterson

When I open a text file (like *.txt), I get a wizard that'll help me parse each
line into separate cells in each row.

If each element (not sure what that means) is separated by a space character,
I'd select delimited when that wizard asked me to choose between "fixed width"
and "delimited". Then the next step prompts me for the delimiter.

This is pretty standard. But something else must be happening for you?????

Gord Dibben


You should be able to open Excel and File>Open.

Browse to your Text file and double-click or "open".

The Text to Columns Wizard will open and give you importing options.

i.e. "de-limited" choose the de-limiter
"fixed choose where to enter breaks

If you have many to do, I suggest recording a macro while opening the first
then assign the macro to a button or shortcut key combo.

Gord Dibben XL2002

Debra Dalgleish

If it was a .csv file, it will open without the wizard. To separate the
elements, select the first column, and choose Data>Text to Columns. Then
follow the steps that Dave described.


sometimes when you open a txt file the wizard does not
appear to parse it. if that is the case try this: the entire column
2. goto tools>text to column
3. the wizard will now appear and you prob want to choose
deliminate. you will have to choose tab, space etc for
delimination. this depends on the data. If you don't like
the results undo and do it again.

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