Importing text file to excel



I'm trying to import a text file. I want the excel file to have 1/3 as many
rows as the text file; each row will have 3 cells with numerical data: case
number, variable1, variable2. The text file has only one number on each
line. So the format of the text file is:
case number
variable 1
variable 2
case number
case number....
(where CR is a carraige return or line break)
How can I read this in so first three numbers are in row one, next three in
row 2, next three in row 3...

Ron Coderre

This might work for you:

Import the data into Col A, beginning in Cell A1.
B1: =OFFSET($A$1,ROWS($A$1:A1)*3-3,,,)
C1: =OFFSET($A$2,ROWS($A$1:$A1)*3-3,,,)
D1: =OFFSET($A$3,ROWS($A$1:$A1)*3-3,,,)

Copy those formulas down as far as you need them.

Does that help?


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