

Andrew C


To cut a long story short. Our work was using two databases to record
information for our members. Now they have decided to use only one.

Wha ti have done so far is i exported information from the database (Rtime)
which we are not using anymore and now need to import it into the access

I have the information in a Excel spreadsheet in the same order as it
appears in the access table. Each member has a ID number. They were given
the same number in both databases. what i need to do is run a query or macro
to update the client table with the information from the Spreadsheet.

There are extra colums in the access database that do not need to be altered
i only need to upate the fields i have in the spreadsheet.

I know a little bit about access but not an advanced user

Can someone explain if this is possible and how i can do it as easy as

Hope this is explained clear enough


Andrew C


The first thing to do would be to import the spreadsheet into Access as a
table or Link to it as a table. This you can do with File, Get External Data.

The next step is to create an Update query. First select the Access table
you want to update. The select the Xl table, and create a join between the
two on the ID number. (Note that the order they are in is not important here.
Access does not store data in any specific order. You order it as you need
for forms, reports, and queries.)
Match up the fields you want to update in the query builder. Don't worry
about the extra fields in the Access table, they will not be changed.

This all assumes, of course, that there are no new members in the
spreadsheet. If there are, you will also need an append query to add the new

If you have any difficulty with the query, I suggest you post that question
in the Queries room.

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