Like many, I am experiencing difficulting making all the right settings so my
linked Excel table will correctly import a column (type=Text) of values
containing text, numbers, or a mix of the two to an Access report. Have read
the 'dicks-blog' article and made the first two changes
(ImportMixedTypes=Text & TypeGuessRows=0). Can't figure out where to access
the section about checking if IMEX=1 setting is correct. Don't normally get
into that stuff. Please provide directions. Any further ideas to help
importing are appreciated as well. This is a daily report and I am tired of
making entries by hand.
linked Excel table will correctly import a column (type=Text) of values
containing text, numbers, or a mix of the two to an Access report. Have read
the 'dicks-blog' article and made the first two changes
(ImportMixedTypes=Text & TypeGuessRows=0). Can't figure out where to access
the section about checking if IMEX=1 setting is correct. Don't normally get
into that stuff. Please provide directions. Any further ideas to help
importing are appreciated as well. This is a daily report and I am tired of
making entries by hand.