impossible task - last chance



I've posted to other discussion groups with no luck. I'm hoping someone here
can offer a solution. I'm using WIN2K, Word2K.

My documents are laid out with repetetive steps, like this:

1. - description of something with cross-references to the following table
and figure
- table of something (with a table caption)
- figure of something (with a figure caption)

2. same as 1., etc...

It's very easy it is for me to simply copy and paste everything from 1. to
2., then 3., etc., and just do some simple editing of my text and switch out
the table/figure info, but leave the caption numbering and cross-references
alone. The nice thing is that all the captions auto-update, but the
cross-references stay tied to their first instances.

I wonder if there is some programatic way to get the cross-references to
auto-update just as the captions do because it's a real pain to manually
insert every cross-reference.

Thanks in advance.


Here's an approach that might work --

Define a character style for each of the items you want to cross-refer (eg
TabChar and FigChar) and apply those styles to the cross-reference targets.
The styles don't need to be visibly distinct (although you might want to set
them up that way initially, to see what's going on). Then use StyleRef
fields in place of your cross-reference fields. Read Help on the switches -
in particular \l (el) which tells Word to search for the next instance of
the style, rather than the previous.


I'll give it a try over the next few days and let you know how it turned

Thanks for the help.


Hi Jezebel,

I've massaged StyleRefs as much as I can, but they just won't do what I

Now all I want to do is insert some kind of sequential auto-updating
word+number field without bothering with cross-references to captions.

The problem is I can't have 2 captions defined with the same name. How do I
get around this problem?

Any ideas?

Cindy M.

Hi Ron,
Now all I want to do is insert some kind of sequential auto-updating
word+number field without bothering with cross-references to captions.

The problem is I can't have 2 captions defined with the same name. How do I
get around this problem?
I'm not sure I follow exactly what you have in mind, but how about the SEQ

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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