Impossible to block particular spam address



I receive very little spam generally but have recently been receiving a lot
of sexually explicit spam from (e-mail address removed). I have
added it to bocked senders and created rules to permanantly delete it - to no
avail. I know the rules 'work' because when you tick the box to apply it to
all mail in the inbox or Junk mail, it deletes them - but it doesn't stop new
mail coming in! I have used the settings in Kaspersky Anti-spam to delete it
- it makes no difference. Surprisingly perhaps, the full sender name doesn't
seem to change, so I have tried blocking not only the domain but every other
variation I can think of. This problem occurs on all four of my computers and
I have tried all the tricks on them all. The 'blocked senders' allowance
isn't exhausted - there is hardly anything in it other than this one. What
other tricks have they employed to make this address 'block-proof' - and what
other ways can I try to stop it?

I am using Outlook 2007, with all updates applied.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Do you have your contacts trusted and have a contact for yourself in
contacts? If so, this can override the blocked sender list.

However if you have a rule to delete messages from it should
delete the messages.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
(e-mail address removed)

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I have lots of contacts in my Contacts (including myself) - but I haven't
flagged them all up as 'trusted' and as I am likely to receive email from all
sorts of valid addresses I couldn't really only accept 'trusted' ones as I
don't know where the next one will come from.

What really puzzles me is that when I initially set up the rule to block it obviously works because it removes existing received emails -
but then it lets more come through, not just on one computer but on all my
computers - it's quite consistent! What other tricks can they be using? I
googled the problem of removing spam from and I found another
reference to difficulty with removing it. The problem is that these are
particularly disgusting emails and sometimes there are two or three a day.
They do say I can click to unsubscribe - should I?

Diane Poremsky said:
Do you have your contacts trusted and have a contact for yourself in
contacts? If so, this can override the blocked sender list.

However if you have a rule to delete messages from it should
delete the messages.

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]

Outlook Tips by email:
(e-mail address removed)

EMO - a weekly newsletter about Outlook and Exchange:
(e-mail address removed)

You can access this newsgroup by visiting or point your
newsreader to

vic1 said:
I receive very little spam generally but have recently been receiving a
of sexually explicit spam from (e-mail address removed). I have
added it to bocked senders and created rules to permanantly delete it - to
avail. I know the rules 'work' because when you tick the box to apply it
all mail in the inbox or Junk mail, it deletes them - but it doesn't stop
mail coming in! I have used the settings in Kaspersky Anti-spam to delete
- it makes no difference. Surprisingly perhaps, the full sender name
seem to change, so I have tried blocking not only the domain but every
variation I can think of. This problem occurs on all four of my computers
I have tried all the tricks on them all. The 'blocked senders' allowance
isn't exhausted - there is hardly anything in it other than this one. What
other tricks have they employed to make this address 'block-proof' - and
other ways can I try to stop it?

I am using Outlook 2007, with all updates applied.

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I have lots of contacts in my Contacts (including myself) - but I haven't
flagged them all up as 'trusted' and as I am likely to receive email from
sorts of valid addresses I couldn't really only accept 'trusted' ones as I
don't know where the next one will come from.

Click Actions>Junk E-mail>Junk E-mail Options>Safe Senders. Is the box
"Also Trust e-mail from my Contacts" checked or not?

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