Impressive word documents




I have been trying to improve the word documents i create to look more
professional and effective.
However , being not a word expert i have reached my limitations .
So i thought it would be a great if the Usenet users can help me
further enhance word skills.

The idea is to create impressive 2 pager product notes or datasheets
which leave a lasting impression on the clients.

some of the samples are like:

I some how have a feeling that these are not created in word.
It will be great if experts can guide me to make some impressive
documents, point me to some templates or tutorials to do it in word or
open source softwares which can help create documents like above.

Thanks a ton in advance

Graham Mayor

Whether or not the documents were created in Word I cannot say, but they
certainly could be. Take the first link. It is merely a document with a
different first page setting. The first page has a large right margin and
graphics created in another application. The other pages have two columns
and graphics which extend into the large right margin and some orange
coloured text. Unless you are creating documents to be distributed by pdf or
professionally printed, you will not be able to create graphics that meet
the page edge. This is a function of the printer cdriver and most will not
print to the edge of the paper.

The second link is a little more complicated. The first page could be
created using a large left margin containing a borderless text box for the
'features' block and two columns for the rest. Again the graphics are
created in external applications. The second page can be created with a four
column table and graphic in the left margin.

Graphic design is a skill that requires artistic flair. We don't all have
that skill. Maybe it would be better to employ someone who does to create
your document?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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