Improve UI for Arranging Folders & Sections


Audryn Lovinger

Rearranging folders and sections is a huge hassle. You should be able to
access the enire notebook tree in the side panel, then drag and drop sections
and folders to rearrange them easily.

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John Waller

Rearranging folders and sections is a huge hassle. You should be able to
access the enire notebook tree in the side panel, then drag and drop
and folders to rearrange them easily.

I agree.

This will be greatly improved, including full drag and drop, in the next
version of OneNote according to the Microsoft blogs:

I'm still looking for automatic, one-click options to sort sections (and
folders) alphabetically too but nothing's been announced in that direction


Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!!!!!!!

You should be able to view your entire notebook in one tree.

At the moment your notebook structure is literally all over the place.
You have to scan across the top of the screen and then down the right
hand side just to figure out where you are...They are now adding a
"mini-bar" down the right hand side of the screen, but it doesn’t show
the full structure either.

That is three totally different places you need to look to figure out
your note structure!!!

This is exactly the sort of situation Jensen lectures against repeatedly
in his blog.

We badly need to be able to consolidate everything in the one place.


I agree. In fact the developers should get a copy of Info Select (OneNotes
main competitor) and see how easy and convenient rearranging data is. It is
not fancy but oh so great. I came from there and am trying OneNote. After 6
moinths, I am considering going back to it. ZEspecially as my storehouse of
data has grow so large and I am finding out One Note's weaknesses. But One
Note has some really nice feature. Tough decision

I can't imagine you'll be anything but disappointed with OneNote.
OneNote is to take quick notes.

Info Select is to manage your random information.

OneNote is not a PIM/data repository. Microsoft doesnt have a tool to
bring it all together.

Chris H.

No, OneNote isn't a PIM, but Outlook, which has been around for years, is
the Microsoft PIM.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

Ben M. Schorr - MVP said:
I can't imagine you'll be anything but disappointed with OneNote.

OneNote is to take quick notes.

And long notes too. As I've mentioned before we use it to keep very
extensive notes on our clients and we share those notes across our team and,
in some cases, with the clients themselves. It's very effective for us.
OneNote is not a PIM/data repository. Microsoft doesnt have a tool to
bring it all together.

Outlook is the Microsoft PIM. OneNote is for dealing with less-structured
information and it does so very well for most people.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Point still stands that OneNote’s very ‘scattered’ approach to
displaying note structures should be addressed!!!


That "mini-bar" on the left hand side would be the perfect place to
display the full note tree...but my understanding is that it is only
going to display down to the section level.

Or are you saying it is going to display the full structure???

....Come not going to let 3 little letters like “N”, “D” and “A”
scare you. [rolls eyes]

Chris H.

Not a matter of the letters, but integrity. There's plenty of information
from Microsoft about OneNote 12 on the web freely available, such as Owen
Braun's blog:
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

weevil said:
That "mini-bar" on the left hand side would be the perfect place to
display the full note tree...but my understanding is that it is only going
to display down to the section level.

Or are you saying it is going to display the full structure???

...Come not going to let 3 little letters like “N”, “D” and “A”
scare you. [rolls eyes]

Perhaps it will be. :)

John Waller

...Come not going to let 3 little letters like “N”, “D” and “A”
scare you. [rolls eyes]

Those 3 letters are worth millions of dollars to Microsoft and signify a
world of trust and integrity between MS and its beta testers.

Without those 3 letters, software would cost far more and testing and
updates would take far longer.


Fellas, I was rolling my eyes with my tongue firmly in my cheek! Was
just being a little playful.

Have been reading all the blogs, posted in the relevant one
even...Didn’t get a response there...hmmm...

John Waller

Fellas, I was rolling my eyes with my tongue firmly in my cheek! Was just
being a little playful.

Add a smiley then :)

Sorry to misinterpret you. Hard when we've never met and have only the text
you post to go on.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

weevil said:
That "mini-bar" on the left hand side would be the perfect place to
display the full note tree...but my understanding is that it is only going
to display down to the section level.

Or are you saying it is going to display the full structure???

I didn't say. :)
...Come not going to let 3 little letters like “N”, “D” and “A”
scare you. [rolls eyes]

Scare me? No. But I do respect the confidence that ChrisPr, Owen, Dan,
Alex and the other members of the OneNote team have placed in me. :)


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


I am just getting into OneNote on my tablet. I am used to the
wonderful Treepad, which I use on my desktop. I hope the OneNote gets
some of the features of Treepad. The main thing is that Treepad, while
great for collecting and organizing, also is great for publishing to
the web. Onenote thinks all I want to do is "share" some notes.
Treepad lets me convert a pad to a well organized web site in one

Once onenote can export to powerpoint, better publishing will be
possible. Still, CHECK OUT TREEPAD.

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