in a Word table, how do you hide a column with private numbers?



I have a directory that was done in Word. It is in table form. I want to add
another column that I can hide so it does not print out but I have for
Any help would be appreciated.

Rae Drysdale

I'm not aware of any function to hide columns, but a few suggestions.
1 SaveAs and have two copies, one with extra column, one without.
2 Cut the column before printing, and then Undo cut, or save without making
3 Turn the column you don't want to print to white text before printing.

Does this help?


Thank you for that suggestion. I will try that to see if it will work. I know
a past lady in our office did one with the cell numbers hidden but where we
could access it on the computer but it wouldn' t print out. I believe it was
in Professional Office 2000.
Unfortunetly this lady has passed on. So I am at a loss.

Charles Kenyon

You can format text as hidden as well. If you have a column formatted as
hidden when a new row is added, the formatting will repeat. You could have
that column without borders as well.
Charles Kenyon

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