In an Access form, how do I link to a word doc?



I hope this question sounds simple to you...
I have a access database for the employees in the company. From the Form
view of an employee record, I would like to be able to click on a link that
would open up an employee's resume which is a Word doc that is in a folder
with all the other employee resumes. Any idea how I might accomplish this?


Dirk Goldgar

Raytown said:
I hope this question sounds simple to you...
I have a access database for the employees in the company. From the
Form view of an employee record, I would like to be able to click on
a link that would open up an employee's resume which is a Word doc
that is in a folder with all the other employee resumes. Any idea how
I might accomplish this?


If you can construct a fully-qualified path to the file, you can tell
Access to follow it as a hyperlink. For example,

Const conResumeFolder As String = "C:\Employee Resumes\"
Dim strResume As String

strResume = conResumeFolder & "Resume" & Me!EmloyeeNumber & ".doc

Application.FollowHyperlink strResume


Can I create a button to click on to take me to a word document? Your
solution is alittle over my head - not sure what to do with the code you
provided or what it means.



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