In an excel cell, I want my numbers indented less than 1 character



I want to get my numbers in a cell a little farther away from the right
border. Putting a 1 in the indent box in the format cell dialogue box is too
much. But it wont let me type a fraction or decimal 0.5.

Am I the only one in the universe that wants this?

Is there another way?



If you want to use fractions, and keep numbers aligned(I take it this is what
you want), then format your cells as number, with one or two decimals. You
will then get 1.0 or 1.00, while a decimal will show as 0.5 or 0.50. The
decimal indicators will align below each other.


Thanks Kassie, but that is not what I want. I am using number format with 0
decimal places and Arial Narrow font, right (indent) justification. I am
using a bold border for some of these cells. The numbers are too close to
the rignt border and hard to read. So I change the indent from 0 to 1
character. Now they are too far from the border. It really looks like more
than one character space, especially if excel is caculating an Arial Narrow
space. I can't type a 0.5 in the indent box of the cell format dialogue box,
it says 'not a valid whole number' or something like that. Can I trick excel
somehow to get what I want?


It's really *no* trick, but part of XL's regular formatting options.

If you look at some of the default *Custom* formatting options, you'll see
some like this:

_($* #,##0_);_($* (#,##0);_($* "-"_);_(@_)

NOW, the "underscore" tells XL to leave a space the *same size* as the
character *following* the underscore.
In the above example, it's the "parenthesis", to equalize negative and
positive number displays.

In your case, try different size characters (numbers or letters) to get the
exact size space you're looking for.

For example, custom format:


may be a small enough space for you.

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