In answering email can you have a split screen with the mail?


Endtimes Lundeen

In answering e-mail can you have a split screen with the mail you are
answering to the right of the fresh one you are writing? I want to see both
the original and response at the same time in windows side by side.

Vince Averello

There's no intrinsic function for that but if you open the original item
then click the reply button you can right click on the taskbar and choose a
window showing option (side-by-side, etc)

Endtimes Lundeen

Thank you for your help I will try right away!

Vince Averello said:
There's no intrinsic function for that but if you open the original item
then click the reply button you can right click on the taskbar and choose a
window showing option (side-by-side, etc)

Endtimes Lundeen

I was never able to find the choices you talked about on the taskbar. Are you
in Outlook 2003 or 2007?

Vince Averello

The taskbar is part of Windows so the Outlook version isn't important. Are
you right clicking on it?

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