In copied worksheet, embedded chart uses data fm orig - change?


Harley Cudney

When I copy a worksheet, I want the embedded chart to automatically use data
from the new worksheet, Instead, it uses data from the original worksheet.
So I have to edit each data series in the chart everytime I create a new
worksheet by copying an old one.
Example: worksheet displaying hours worked that week. When I copy the sheet
to start a new week, the embedded chart is displaying data from last week.

Bernard Liengme

It seems you are making the new worksheet with Copy & Paste.
Try this instead: click on the tab of original sheet (let's call it Sheet1),
hold the CTRL key down and drag the tab to the right. When you release the
mouse button you will have a new sheet called "Sheet1 (2)". Of course, you
can rename this as required. The embedded chart will point to cells in its
own sheet.
best wishes


Try this instead: click on the tab of original sheet (let's call it Sheet1),
hold the CTRL key down and drag the tab to the right. When you release the
mouse button you will have a new sheet called "Sheet1 (2)". Of course, you
can rename this as required. The embedded chart will point to cells in its
own sheet.

No, that does not work in Excel 2007! It did in 2003... It's probably a bug.
Very frustrating, since I need to manually update hundreds of data series now.

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