In Edit Account, the password is lost. Blank box.


Rafael Montserrat

OS 10.4.10
Ibook G4
1.5 GB Ram
Entourage 11.3.2


Last week a phone tech sbc helped me set up the two accounts and we
definitely set up the password that is the same password I use to enter web
mail sites. Now on (e-mail address removed) My Sub-Account, When I open edit
account the password box is blank. When I try to send mail, I get the, "Not
connected, you haven't entered a phone number, password" . This is
happeniong with my primary email send and receive too.

That's the problem I'm having.

Thanks, Rafael

If anyone's interested, or wants a few laugh, I include the discussion below
that I had with ATT SBC tech support just now.

Geri Martin: How do tyou access your email?
Rafael Montserrat: Entourage
Geri Martin: I see. Though AT&T does not support Entourage, have you
updated your email settings?
Rafael Montserrat: Last week a phone tech ATT sbc helped me set up the two
accounts and we definitely set up the password that is the same password I
use to enter web mail sites. Now on (e-mail address removed) when I open edit
account the password box is blank. When I try to send mail, I get the, Not
connected, you haven't entered a phone number, password. Do you want to
re-enter your password?
Rafael Montserrat: everything was set up /perfectly/ and worked fine for
quite a few days. And you /do/ have a help page on Entourage. The edit
account fill is are easily discussed and filled in by sbc people. I'm a long
time SBC customer. I don't understand this thing about you're not supporting
Entourage. It's a simple thing to do, and the settings I ask for are for my
connecting to ATT SBC. Many times I've received good suppoort from your
agents, and they know full well that I use Entourage. These are settings
ATT has helped me set up many times. They're basic.
Geri Martin: I have given you the settings so if you're familiar with the
navigation on your email client then yo can just refer to the settings
included from the article.
Rafael Montserrat: I /know/ all the stuff on that site. There's a functional
problem with the settings given me by SBC. They were given me in just the
way this tutorial shows. But the "password" is not remaing on the Edit
Account page. Capiche? Why?
The agent is sending you to <> .
Geri Martin: You can try to log-in to the web mail page 1st to test if the
password that you have saved is working.
Rafael Montserrat: The password is working there, It¹s always working.
I¹ve entered it five times today and gotten into web mail. Everything else
on my edit account page is correct and the same as was added in by one of
your agents
Geri Martin: We appreciate your feedback; it is valuable to us in improving
our performance. AT&T Yahoo! considers Member feedback important and we have
established a web-page exclusively designed to receive your valuable
feedback. Please submit your feedback to
Rafael Montserrat: I don't want to send in helpful feedback. I want a fix.
Here now on this chat. Get somepone else. Your feedback doesn't give
responses. What¹s the use of that?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rafael Montserrat said:
OS 10.4.10
Ibook G4
1.5 GB Ram
Entourage 11.3.2


Last week a phone tech sbc helped me set up the two accounts and we
definitely set up the password that is the same password I use to enter web
mail sites. Now on (e-mail address removed) My Sub-Account, When I open edit
account the password box is blank. When I try to send mail, I get the, "Not
connected, you haven't entered a phone number, password" . This is
happeniong with my primary email send and receive too.

The passwords are stored in the Keychain application. It might be
corrupted there.
You can launch and run Keychain First Aid to fix potential
corruptions in the keychain.
If this doesn't correct your problem, you can then find and delete the
keychain entry Enoturage created for your account to let Entourage
re-create a fresh new one next time it prompts you for your password.

The part that puzzles me a bit though is the "phone number"... I wonder
where this is coming from since very obviously that's not aprt of the
standard settings for an e-mail account.

When you say that the field is blank, are you talking about the password
field in the account settings, of the one for the SMTP server?? SMTPO
should be set to use the regular user name and password (for most
servers that require authentication)


Diane Ross

Last week a phone tech sbc helped me set up the two accounts and we
definitely set up the password that is the same password I use to enter web
mail sites. Now on (e-mail address removed) My Sub-Account, When I open edit
account the password box is blank. When I try to send mail, I get the, "Not
connected, you haven't entered a phone number, password" . This is
happeniong with my primary email send and receive too.

There are instructions for AT&T Worldnet and AT&T Yahoo posted. Your posts
mentions If this is the case try looking over the
directions here:


See this screen shot for a basic POP account.


You can use a network sniffer to see what Entourage is saying to your ISP.
This might help with what was actually entered into the password field. For
example if your password is xxxyyyzzz, but you entered it incorrectly,
tcpflow would show you something like this: (for this example I changed my
password to "thisistest" so I could make the account fail)

You'll see that the ISP likes my User name and says OK, but when it gets to
the password it fails.

Last login: Mon Aug 20 17:49:17 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
Macintosh:~ diane$ sudo /usr/local/bin/tcpflow -i en0 -c
/usr/local/bin/tcpflow[3077]: listening on en0 +OK (rwcrpxc58) Maillennium
POP3/PROXY server #197 USER diane +OK PASS thisistest -ERR login failed QUIT +OK closing POP3

Here are the short and simple instructions on using tcpflow:

1. Download the Mac OS X version here (freeware).


2. When you install, you will not find a tcpflow window, nor an icon on
your dock. tcpflow is designed to work in the background.

3. To run the test for email, quit all other applications that might be
connecting to the internet like your browser, ftp client.

4. Copy/paste in this command in the Terminal:

sudo /usr/local/bin/tcpflow -i en0 -c

5. Now try to send an email and watch the traffic in the window of the
Terminal. You should see what is happening.

6. For an example see this page:


Rafael Montserrat


I started your instructions, first going to this site:
<>. Here's what he says.
There are a lot of choices. Would you please direct me to what's relevant
to my problem?

Thanks, Rafael

tcpflow packet sniffer

NOTE: I no longer maintain this package because recent versions of Mac OS X
include a version of the similar utility tcpdump with support for some new
options that do about the same as tcpflow. Try sudo tcpdump -s 0 -A -i en0
port 80

tcpflow-0.21.pkg.tar.gz (Mac OS X 10.3.x / Panther)
tcpflow-0.20-jaguar.pkg.tar.gz (Mac OS 10.2 / Jaguar)

Versions for newer OS versions are available via MacPorts.

The TCP flow recorder based on the libpcap packet capture library.

Try sudo /usr/local/bin/tcpflow -i en0 -c port 80 in a terminal window, and
then do some surfing in your browser

Take a look at the short Introduction I wrote some time ago or the man page
for details about the usage.

Last week a phone tech sbc helped me set up the two accounts and we
definitely set up the password that is the same password I use to enter web
mail sites. Now on (e-mail address removed) My Sub-Account, When I open edit
account the password box is blank. When I try to send mail, I get the, "Not
connected, you haven't entered a phone number, password" . This is
happeniong with my primary email send and receive too.

There are instructions for AT&T Worldnet and AT&T Yahoo posted. Your posts
mentions If this is the case try looking over the
directions here:


See this screen shot for a basic POP account.


You can use a network sniffer to see what Entourage is saying to your ISP.
This might help with what was actually entered into the password field. For
example if your password is xxxyyyzzz, but you entered it incorrectly,
tcpflow would show you something like this: (for this example I changed my
password to "thisistest" so I could make the account fail)

You'll see that the ISP likes my User name and says OK, but when it gets to
the password it fails.

Last login: Mon Aug 20 17:49:17 on ttyp1
Welcome to Darwin!
Macintosh:~ diane$ sudo /usr/local/bin/tcpflow -i en0 -c
/usr/local/bin/tcpflow[3077]: listening on en0 +OK (rwcrpxc58) Maillennium
POP3/PROXY server #197 USER diane +OK PASS thisistest -ERR login failed QUIT +OK closing POP3

Here are the short and simple instructions on using tcpflow:

1. Download the Mac OS X version here (freeware).


2. When you install, you will not find a tcpflow window, nor an icon on
your dock. tcpflow is designed to work in the background.

3. To run the test for email, quit all other applications that might be
connecting to the internet like your browser, ftp client.

4. Copy/paste in this command in the Terminal:

sudo /usr/local/bin/tcpflow -i en0 -c

5. Now try to send an email and watch the traffic in the window of the
Terminal. You should see what is happening.

6. For an example see this page:


Diane Ross

On 8/20/07 5:54 PM, in article, "Diane Ross"

Revised instructions:
1. Download the Mac OS X version here (freeware).


Direct download of file:

2. When you install, you will not find a tcpflow window, nor an icon on
your dock. tcpflow is designed to work in the background.

3. To run the test for email, quit all other applications that might be
connecting to the internet like your browser, ftp client.

4. Copy/paste in this command in the Terminal:

sudo /usr/local/bin/tcpflow -i en0 -c

Or you can download this script and place it in your User's Script folder.


Place the script here:

Users --> Library --> Script folder

If you activate the Script Menu in the Finder you can easily access the
script there. To activate the Script menu, go to your Applications folder in
the Finder. Select the AppleScript folder and open AppleScript Utility. ˆ
Show Script Menu in menu bar

Select the script to automatically start the Terminal with the correct
command. Enter your password and tcpflow will be activated. Next use
Entourage to send a test message.

Using the script makes it easy to use tcpflow for subsequent testing.

Rafael Montserrat

I have launched keychain app and run first aid. Here's what verrify and
repair looks like. PS Is there a way to send an attachment to a NewsGroup?

Verification started
Checking keychain configuration for Rafael Montserrat (user ID=501)
Home directory is /Users/rafaelmontserrat
Checked login keychain
Checked default keychain
Checked keychain search list
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Item ³² has unspecified value for port attribute
Item ³² has unspecified value for port attribute
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates
Problems were found; you should choose the Repair option to fix them
Verification failed

Repair started
Checking keychain configuration for Rafael Montserrat (user ID=501)
Home directory is /Users/rafaelmontserrat
Checked login keychain
Checked default keychain
Checked keychain search list
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Item ³² has unspecified value for port attribute
Item ³² has unspecified value for port attribute
Updated port attribute for ³²
Updated port attribute for ³²
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates
Problems successfully repaired
Repair completed

But I ran this twice, the second time to copy paste into this email, and got
the same results, including 'verification failed'. Shouldn't the 'repair
completed' the first time have changed 'verification failed' to verification

Anyway, the results of this is that now I am able to send out of my two
accounts, to either of the same two accounts, without any windows asking for
password. However only one returns from one of the email addresses the
subaccount address returns as it was sent, to the primary address. It's
done this twice. The other combinations don't return to me.

I just checked again for the tests I sent out to be received, and this time
I got the window asking for my password.
I've seen the Phone # error messages many times before. Whatever were the
issue then were resolved having nothing to do with the phone #.
When you say that the field is blank, are you talking about the password
field in the account settings, of the one for the SMTP server?? SMTPO
should be set to use the regular user name and password (for most
servers that require authentication)
In the edit account windows, the password box is in the Receiving Mail
section, the window (box) below the POP server box.

And just now that I went to the two edit accounts windows to tell you which
password box I'm referring to, I notice that in the edit account windows for
both email addresses, the password boxes are blank!!!

I haven't yet gone through Diane Ross's suggestions, but did download the
file she suggested.

Diane (will Diane read this?), do you think that this utterly new to me
problem has anything to do with my not yet having done all the MUD housework
you've sent me to do?

Thanks, Rafael

Diane Ross

I have launched keychain app and run first aid. Here's what verrify and
repair looks like. PS Is there a way to send an attachment to a NewsGroup?

No. You'll have to send those to me offline as before.
But I ran this twice, the second time to copy paste into this email, and got
the same results, including 'verification failed'. Shouldn't the 'repair
completed' the first time have changed 'verification failed' to verification

Is it possible your keychain is locked and the repairs are not able to be
Anyway, the results of this is that now I am able to send out of my two
accounts, to either of the same two accounts, without any windows asking for

That's progress.
However only one returns from one of the email addresses the
subaccount address returns as it was sent, to the primary address. It's
done this twice. The other combinations don't return to me.

Is the subaccount an alias? Has this worked in the past?
And just now that I went to the two edit accounts windows to tell you which
password box I'm referring to, I notice that in the edit account windows for
both email addresses, the password boxes are blank!!!

This seems to indicate you have a locked Keychain.
Diane (will Diane read this?), do you think that this utterly new to me
problem has anything to do with my not yet having done all the MUD housework
you've sent me to do?
No, all we did was clean up your additional Microsoft User Data folders. We
did no work on your keychain or account settings.

Rafael Montserrat

No. You'll have to send those to me offline as before.

Is it possible your keychain is locked and the repairs are not able to be

I went through everything on Keychain utility that looked like lock or
unlock. I don't know what I may have changed but here is what the repair
report looks like‹no failures, nothing in red.

"Repair started
Checking keychain configuration for Rafael Montserrat (user ID=501)
Home directory is /Users/rafaelmontserrat
Checked login keychain
Checked password for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Checked settings for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Checked default keychain
Checked keychain search list
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates
No problems found
Repair completed"

I pressed 'Send and Receive' and now "Connecting securely to" with the horizontal barber pole at bottom right is now
running interminably.

Now I went back into the two email address Account Edit and the password box
is blank in both. I went back and did another Keychain repair and got
different results than above. Here are the new results. The two lines in
caps are in red sentence case on the repair readout

"Repair started
Checking keychain configuration for Rafael Montserrat (user ID=501)
Home directory is /Users/rafaelmontserrat
Checked login keychain
Checked password for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Checked settings for ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Checked default keychain
Checked keychain search list
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/login.keychain
Checked contents of ~/Library/Keychains/Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates
Problems successfully repaired
Repair completed"

That's progress.

Is the subaccount an alias? Has this worked in the past?

It's set up as a regular subaccount on my ATT website account. The two
addresses along with my new NG fake address have worked in the past. I'm
not familiar with what you mean by a subaccount being an alias. As far as I
know, they're not. Don't know about that, but 'alias' never came up as I
set up these accounts.

"Connecting securely to" is still running.

I just sent emails (4) from and to both email addresses. They sent, but each
time a window appeared asking for password. Then they each sent. Nothing
received and the "Connecting to" still running.


Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rafael Montserrat said:

This entry might be corrupted. You might want to delete it from the
keychain and let it re-create itself fresh,


Diane Ross

I went through everything on Keychain utility that looked like lock or

The entire keychain can be locked. One user recently found his was set to
lock after 30 min of inactivity causing all of his problems.

At the top of the Keychain window on the left side is a lock. Is it open or

Under Edit in the Keychain menu bar, select Change Settings for Keychain
login. Do you have it set to lock there?

I have all of my setting set to unlock.

FWIW, your keychain can have multiple entries for the same account if some
of the settings are slightly different.

Rafael Montserrat

1. Don't think the following is of any relevance to my problem: In Keychain
First Aid the Password under User Name is my basic Macintosh password, not
the password I made up and entered in Edit Accounts, the one that keeps

2. this is the important question: In Keychain First aid you say "This
entry might be corrupted. You might want to delete it from the keychain and
let it re-create itself". Do you mean the two entries, out of 14 between
"Repair Started" and "Repair Completed" in red might be corrupted." I can't
find how to delete it from the keychain." Do you mean File>'Delete Keychain
"Login"? Is 'Keychain First Aid' where I do the deleting?

Rafael Montserrat

The questions 1. And 2. Refer to this response from Corentin.

Rafael Montserrat said:

This entry might be corrupted. You might want to delete it from the
keychain and let it re-create itself fresh,



1. Don't think the following is of any relevance to my problem: In Keychain
First Aid the Password under User Name is my basic Macintosh password, not
the password I made up and entered in Edit Accounts, the one that keeps

2. this is the important question: In Keychain First aid you say "This
entry might be corrupted. You might want to delete it from the keychain and
let it re-create itself". Do you mean the two entries, out of 14 between
"Repair Started" and "Repair Completed" in red might be corrupted." I can't
find how to delete it from the keychain." Do you mean File>'Delete Keychain
"Login"? Is 'Keychain First Aid' where I do the deleting?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rafael Montserrat said:
2. this is the important question: In Keychain First aid you say "This
entry might be corrupted. You might want to delete it from the keychain and
let it re-create itself". Do you mean the two entries, out of 14 between
"Repair Started" and "Repair Completed" in red might be corrupted." I can't
find how to delete it from the keychain." Do you mean File>'Delete Keychain
"Login"? Is 'Keychain First Aid' where I do the deleting?

I certainly don't mean for you to delete the entire login keychain.
You can use Keychain Access to find all entries relevant to your e-mail
account (look for the e-mail address or the e-mail login for instance).
You can then select this or these entries and just press the delete key.
Then relaunch ENtourage. The app will ask you to enter your password and
offer to save it in the keychain. This will create a fresh new entry for
it in your login keychain.


Rafael Montserrat

After I deleted the two keychains you described, and re launched Entourage,
I received three emails that had been waiting in the queue. they were all
addressed to my primary address (e-mail address removed)

I sent test mail to myself, was asked for my password, went to Edit Account
and the password was there and the mail was sent.

But not received.

Sending ok now but each time I press receive on either of my two email
addresses I get a window "Enter account ID and password" but still the mail
doesn't come in/

Now I tried again sending emails to myself and I got the announcement "Mail
could not be received at this time "invalid user/password".

Also the barber pole at bottom right is running continuously preceded by
"Logging on as (e-mail address removed)".

Also, the passwords are now gone from their box in the Entourage edit
accounts windows.

On webmail there are "No messages in my Inbox"

Going to keychain first aid, the same two items in red have returned:

Item ³² has unspecified value for port attribute
Item ³² has unspecified value for port attribute

Rafael Montserrat

Why, in my Entourage "Arrange By Subject" are there two folders (?) instead
of just one? It's the same in 'conversation'. Is that because in one of the
subject and conversation folders, the correspondence is with Diane Ross, and
the other is with Corentin? I guess that's why.

Diane Ross

1. Don't think the following is of any relevance to my problem: In Keychain
First Aid the Password under User Name is my basic Macintosh password, not
the password I made up and entered in Edit Accounts, the one that keeps

The Keychain is an application that uses a password itself... usually your
User password. The Keychain application contains your passwords and other
security data. What you need to find and delete is your email passwords. If
you delete the Keychain login ALL of your passwords will be deleted and will
have to be re-entered.

Rafael Montserrat

Corentin ,

Entourage is now working almost perfectly. I had to get some input from my

Nevertheless, the information you've given me, especially about keychain,
will be useful

The only thing about my entourage that puzzles me is that when I open it in
the morning and click send and receive, I get message that I recall is
something like:

"Not connected with server. Mail cannot be sent or received at this time."

What I do is open Safari and open any website. Then I can go back to
Entourage and send and receive with no problem and no windows.

Regards, Rafael

Diane Ross

The only thing about my entourage that puzzles me is that when I open it in
the morning and click send and receive, I get message that I recall is
something like:

"Not connected with server. Mail cannot be sent or received at this time."

What I do is open Safari and open any website. Then I can go back to
Entourage and send and receive with no problem and no windows.

Some ISPs require that you send before you can receive. Check with your ISP.

Try this in your Account settings:

Under Sending mail, click advanced sending options. ˆ SMTP server requires

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