In excel 2007 macros gets disabled when i am trying to open a work



In excel 2007 when i open a worksheet macros gets disabled. I have tried
enabling macross by setting the enable macross option to on . But when i
close and open the workbook it is opening by default as disabled . Is there
any solution for this

Bob Flanagan

You can set the folder that contains the file as a trusted location so that
macros in workbooks from that location are not disabled.

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
144 Dewberry Drive
Hockessin, Delaware, U.S. 19707

Phone: 302-234-9857, cell 302-584-1771
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel


Hi Bob ,

My program uses office 2003 excel template and opens it up in Office 2007
excel application. When it is first exported and open all macros works fine.
User saves open excel sheet in compatibility mode (that is macro enabled).
When this saved excel sheet is opened again then Macros are disabled

In Excel Options -> trust center -> Macro Settings -> enable all is checked
and Trust access to VBA projects is checked.
I have also added the path of saved excelsheet in Trusted locations.

What setting should we make to make sure macros will be enabled when excel
sheet is opened.

Bob Flanagan

I had a friend call and is experiencing a similar problem - Excel 2007
regardless of settings refuses to allow macros to work in one workbook, but
will allow another workbook to run macros. Both are in the same folder. No
solution so far. Strange....

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel

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