In Microsoft OneNote 2003, how do you zoom in/out?

  • Thread starter Why Won't It Work
  • Start date

Why Won't It Work

I first used this program on my brothers laptop. I found it very useful,
since I sould write something, then on the same page click beside what I had
written and make notes. I then got the program for myself and saved what I
had worked on onto my computer. The problem is that everything is bigger and
I have to scoll over to see my extra notes. I don't think this is a problem
with my computer because my brother has basically the same set up and display
settings. I want to know how to zoom out.

Kathy Jacobs

There should be a button on your Standard toolbar that shows the percentage
zoom currently in effect. If it isn't there, look for the dropdown arrow at
the end of the toolbar and click - it should be on the list there. (If you
don't use a button, it hides itself.)

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