In MPP how to cascade value in summary to all children



I want to use the value I paste into a summary line in all child activities
at the next level, but the number of children is variable

Andrew Lavinsky

Either use the WBS field or a macro. If the WBS field, you'll have to define
the WBS code in Project > Define WBS code.

Mike Glen

Hi Andy,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

After you've entered the data, hover the mouse over the bottom left corner
of the cell ( a little black X) until the cursor turns to a +, click and
drag down through all the children. This will fill down.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials

Steve House

There are very few fields in a summary task that will even accept user
input. Summary task data is populated by rolling-up information about its
children - in a very real sense a summary is a report that is based on
information coming from the subtasks. Data doesn't propagate from the
summery to the children. Just what exactly are you trying to accomplish
here - perhaps we can be of better help yif you clearly tell us what your
objective is?

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