In MS Word 2007 how do I merge two or more documents into 1?



I am not sure how, short of copy and paste routines, to merge two or more MS
Word documents into 1 document. Is this possible to do? If so, I would
appreciate any pointers on how to accomplish this.


Insert tab > Object (bottom of last column of next-to-last group) >
Text from file

(same as Insert > Text in Word2003)


I appreciate the reponse -- I did find the insert OBJECT text/document
option. With the insert text option is selected, I lose the formatting, table
and such from the source document. When I select object, I retain the
formatting, but must return to the source document to edit. Is there a
setting to get around these types of behaviors?


Jay Freedman

Admittedly it's far more confusing than it ought to be, but... if you clicked
the Object button on the Insert ribbon and got a dialog titled "Object", that's
the wrong way.

The right way is to click the down arrow at the right side of the Object button,
which opens a two-item menu. The first item, "Object...", opens the same wrong
dialog. The second item, "Text from file...", is the correct one for this
purpose. That will open a dialog titled "Insert File" that looks very much like
the Open dialog. Choose the file to insert, and click the Insert button.

The inserted text will keep the formatting and tables of the source document.

Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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