in need of a formula



hi, i'm working on two sheets within the same book.

sheet 1
1/3/09 1000
1/4/09 500
1/6/09 100

as you can see on sheet 1 the dates can be days apart.

on sheet 2. column A has 365 rows indicating every day of the year,
starting with A1 being 1/1/09 and ending with A365 being 12/31/09
column C1 thru C365 has the words no work

i want sheet 2 to look like this

1/1/09 no work
1/2/09 no work
1/3/09 1000
1/4/09 500
1/5/09 no work
1/6/09 100

so is there any way to get the date entered in A1 on sheet 1 to find the
same date on sheet 2 A1 and enter the amount from B1 sheet1 into C1 sheet 2?
and if there is no match on sheet 2, i need column C to show no work.



Yes there is :)

Use this in B1 and copy down

T. Valko

Enter this formula on Sheet2 C1:

=IF(COUNTIF(Sheet1!A:A,A1),SUMIF(Sheet1!A:A,A1,Sheet1!B:B),"no work")

Copy down to C365


neither one of those formulas seam to do what i want, so i added the acual
sheets i'm working on.

sheet 1 i was refering to is the production tab and sheet 2 is the shelf
life tab

so if date is entered in column D on production sheet it'll find it's
matching date in column F on shelf life sheet, if true it'll add amount
produced in column H in shelf life sheet on the same row as the matching
date, if no date from column F is used in column D on production sheet it
should say no production.

T. Valko

Here's the formula I entered in Shelf Life K4:


Copied down. It returned the correct results. Note that your sample file
only has a few matching dates *and* you're missing some dates on the Shelf
Life sheet. On the Prod sheet there are dates for 4/8, 4/9, 4/28, 4/29,
4/30. On the Shelf Life sheet the dates 4/28 and 4/29 are missing from
column F.

T. Valko

Here's the formula I entered in Shelf Life K4

I used column K so I could compare it with your results in column H.


that seems to work great except when column H shows no prod i need (if
possible) column G and I to be blank.

T. Valko

Your formula in column G already does that. Here's a shorter formula:


Format as Date


i figured out the problem, all my formulas are based on the words no
production, once i changed your formula from no prod to no production
everything worked and works great.

again thanks alot

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