In need of a formula



A1 B1 C1 D1 E1
Detail "B"
Feature #21
1.0265 dia
±.010 Detail "B" Feature #21 1.0265 Dia ±.010

Basically I want to take the first line and want to place it in B1. Second
line to be in C1. I want to extract contents from A1 to the respective cells
to the right. I need a formula in which I can put into place as I have 100+
lines to do and want to take the formula and carry it down the spread sheet.
Information changes on each line such as detail, feature and my tolerances.
All lines in cell A1 are ALT Entered to go to next line I would have made it
into four original cells but, I can’t convince work to do it. So this is what
I have to work with. It is a locked forum. I am sure I need a formula in each
cell B1,E1 to do this but unable to find one. I am not sure if I can post my
email but will do so. If you can give me a formula you can email it to me
that would be great, (e-mail address removed)


I am getting a # name message when i tried your formula. Do i need to have
Add In instaled for this formula.


ups sorry it vas the dennish way


by the way i think not that 1 do the trick for u after i read
ur question again :-(

is ur data allways 4 rows data then a emty 1 then 4 rows data and so on ?

Bob Phillips

You might need



Bob Phillips

(replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

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