In onenote I need to be able to lock and hide certain elements



as a manager I want to lock and hide and have password access to certain
notes, pages and sections.

I need to categorise notes, so if I was building a team knowledgebase I can
do so effectively.

I need to set and owner and timestamp a note, each time certain note pages
are accessed and changed/updated I need this time and owners info recorded
for change and mgmt

I want to divide Notes into Topics and Articles posted.

I want to be able to see various views of things once searched I.e. in a
Discussion view of Notes and in a search Knowledgebase way, i.e. ranked

Please rank importance of Note and most commonly accessed notes.

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Patrick Schmid

I am assuming you are talking about OneNote 2007, because you are focused on
team functionality which doesn't exist yet in 2003.
as a manager I want to lock and hide and have password access to certain
notes, pages and sections.
ON 2007 allows you to password protect sections. I don't think though you
can hide (from other people's view) those sections. As sections are
individual files, you can use NTFS security to set permissions on who can
access then. This way, you could prevent access to notebooks and entire
sections. For example, you would store high-security notebooks on a
different location on a server and secure access to it using Windows.
I need to categorise notes, so if I was building a team knowledgebase I
do so effectively.
What do you mean with notes? Certain pieces on a page, an entire page, a
You can do this today already for pieces on a page. Have you looked into
note flags yet, which you can customize? In essence, you could make your own
custom note flag for each category, and just assign the correct note flag to
whatever you want to categorize on a page.
I need to set and owner and timestamp a note, each time certain note pages
are accessed and changed/updated I need this time and owners info recorded
for change and mgmt
I don't think ON supports the concept of an owner of a note, and I highly
doubt it ever will. That concept just doesn't seem to fit into my view of a
collaboration tool. For each container, ON (2007 at least) maintains a
creation time stamp, the user name of the creator, a last modified time
stamp and the user name of the last modifier. There is no easy UI to access
this for all containers. You can only get this information for an individual
note container. However, I wouldn't be surprised if that information is
accessible for add-ins, so you could write one that extracts this
information for you.
I want to divide Notes into Topics and Articles posted.
I am not sure what you are requesting here. You can simply make different
sections for each?
I want to be able to see various views of things once searched I.e. in a
Discussion view of Notes and in a search Knowledgebase way, i.e. ranked
Can you elaborate on this more?
Please rank importance of Note and most commonly accessed notes.
How would ON know the importance of a note? And where would it show that
ranking to you?
I don't think ON is able to support the notion of the most commonly accessed
notes. I can't go into detail, but I highly doubt that there is any way in
the ON 2007 multi-user support to actually track how many times a note
container (or even a page or section) was read.

Patrick Schmid

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