Lorraine said:
If you wish to print the calendar, note, task, etc from outlook,
there is a page setup option under "File" - "Page Set Up"
In this area, you can select letter, legal, etc but all the
for margins and paper size are in metric. Can these be changed to
imperial as a default.
Ah, some more details that were missing before. Mine show inches and
millimeters for paper sizes and margins. The paper size list appears to
be a fixed list so, no, you don't get choices of other paper sizes. If
yours is only showing metric measurements, maybe a change in the
regional settings (Regional applet in Control Panel) to pick a different
country would alter what measurements scales are available although I
don't see measurement scales noted in the regional settings. I use the
"English (United States)" setting but there is an "English (Canada)"
setting (your IP address shows you posted from a Canadian provider), or
change from Canadian to USA.