In page setup - use imperial measurements



I would like to use imperial rather than metric in the page set up area of
outlook. How do I change this


Lorraine said:
I would like to use imperial rather than metric in the page set up area
outlook. How do I change this

Huh? Maybe you mean page setup in Word (because you are calling Word
from Outlook to provide the e-mail editor). If you are talking about
Word, the users in a Word newsgroup might know of what you ask. There
is no "page set up area" in Outlook.


Vanguard said:
Huh? Maybe you mean page setup in Word (because you are calling Word
from Outlook to provide the e-mail editor). If you are talking about
Word, the users in a Word newsgroup might know of what you ask. There
is no "page set up area" in Outlook.

If you wish to print the calendar, note, task, etc from outlook, there is a page setup option under "File" - "Page Set Up" In this area, you can select letter, legal, etc but all the measurements for margins and paper size are in metric. Can these be changed to imperial as a default.


Lorraine said:
If you wish to print the calendar, note, task, etc from outlook,
there is a page setup option under "File" - "Page Set Up"
In this area, you can select letter, legal, etc but all the
for margins and paper size are in metric. Can these be changed to
imperial as a default.

Ah, some more details that were missing before. Mine show inches and
millimeters for paper sizes and margins. The paper size list appears to
be a fixed list so, no, you don't get choices of other paper sizes. If
yours is only showing metric measurements, maybe a change in the
regional settings (Regional applet in Control Panel) to pick a different
country would alter what measurements scales are available although I
don't see measurement scales noted in the regional settings. I use the
"English (United States)" setting but there is an "English (Canada)"
setting (your IP address shows you posted from a Canadian provider), or
change from Canadian to USA.

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