In paint, elliptical selection copied to somewhere else.


writer Fran

I'm trying to change the perimeter of a photo from rectangle to elliptical
to place in a clip art picture frame. I can't get the paint to copy and
paste the elliptical to another setting. When I use the "free form select"
it cuts a ragged edge.

Also need to know how to fit a photo neatly inside (behind?) clip art
picture frames without showing perimeter lines.

Keith Howell

Assuming you have access to the original picture, draw an ellipse and specify
'no line'. Then go to Fill Color/Fill effects/picture

writer Fran

Sorry, Keith, but I know so little about Paint, that I can't even find the
"specify no line" area, let alone Fill Color/Fill effects/picture. Can you
give me a clue?

Keith Howell

I was referring to the Drawing Toolbar facilities in Word itself, not Paint.
If it helps, take a look at aand find your way to
'Adding pictures to shapes' but before you do that, go to View/Toolbars and
tick against Drawing

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