When typing a number in a cell using Excel 2007, I sometimes get the # in
place of the typed number, why is this?
When typing say, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and each number in it's own cell I
get, 18, #, 20, #, 22,23.
Previous I was using Excel 2003, and when this problem occured, the #
printed as the correct number. Now in 2007 it just prints the #.
The work sheet is set as a numbered area with no lettering what so ever in
the area where numbers are required.
place of the typed number, why is this?
When typing say, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and each number in it's own cell I
get, 18, #, 20, #, 22,23.
Previous I was using Excel 2003, and when this problem occured, the #
printed as the correct number. Now in 2007 it just prints the #.
The work sheet is set as a numbered area with no lettering what so ever in
the area where numbers are required.