In Publisher, How do I make my text the paper color?


E Rewerts

I am trying to have a black box on colored paper -- want my text to be
transparent so the paper color shows thru.

michael adams

I am trying to have a black box on colored paper -- want my text to be
transparent so the paper color shows thru.

If you need to fine position the text within the black box.

First create a text block to cover the page, and fill it with whatever
background colour you choose.

Do that by selecting the text block, then chose Format, then Fill Color
Border (none) from the Top menu. Let's assume you want it light blue.

Draw your black box, again using Format Fill Color and Border Color from
the top menu.

Position your black box as you want it on the page.

Draw a another smaller text block big enought to hold your text and
position it roughly inside the black box.

Type in your text. Then change the colour of the text by choosing Format
character from the top menu and again choose the colour you chose
before for the page. By way of example light blue again.

The new text box is still white. Now press Ctrl T to make it

You can now move the coloured text around to the position you wish.

Select Hide Boundaries and Guides from the View Menu to view the
box without the text block border.


If you don't need to fine position the text, just draw a text box as the
block. Make the text block fill color black, and the text itself the same
color as the background. The size of the text box can be adjusted as can the
borders, but its probably easier to do it the first way.

michael adams

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