I haven't found the ReplaceInFiles program to work in Pub 2003, but that is
not to say that someone else couldn't get it to work. The only way I have
been able to get Pub 2003 pages centered is:
Do this:
1. Publish your website so that you have an HTML copy on your hard drive.
2. Open "index.htm" in a HTML editor, or at the worst, Notepad
3. Scroll down until you see the <body> tag
4. Underneath the <body> tag, enter this code:
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="768"
5. Scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the </body> tag.
6. ABOVE the </body> tag, enter the following:
Your content should now be centered. Repeat with each page.
The method you are talking about seems not to work with Pub 2003, but does
with Pub 2000. A quote from tomZ:
"Available at
I've used it successfully with the following data:
Find: </head>
Replace with: </head> <center>
File Types: *.html
All the same caveats and problems of post-Publisher centering still