In textbox required only number without decimal




Please see the below coding, This working fine, But is accepting the decimal
value also(.),

What i required is when ever i type dot(.) it need to show msg "Please Enter
Correct Number"

Eg:1) 6161.8976, 2)98450.0, 3)8.874 need to show msg "Please Enter Correct
Number" and delete the what ever typed that means nullstring in that textbox.

Private Sub TextBox11_Change()
Range("C1").Value = TextBox11.Value
If Not IsNumeric(TextBox11.Value) And TextBox11.Value <> vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Please Enter Correct Number"
TextBox11.Value = vbNullString
End If
End Sub

I'm very newbie for this coding. please anyone can help me on this.

Thanks in advance


If Not IsNumeric(TextBox11.Value) And TextBox11.Value <> vbNullString Then
If Not IsNumeric(TextBox11.Value) And _
TextBox11.Value <> vbNullString And _
instr(TextBox11.Value,".") > 0 Then

Tim Zych

What i required is when ever i type dot(.) it need to show msg "Please
Correct Number"

That's a really intrusive way to go about it, and it deletes
numbers-in-progress which may irk people who use the macro.

How about just deleting any decimal values entered, e.g.:

Private Sub TextBox11_Change()
With Me.TextBox11
.Text = Replace(.Text, ".", "")
End With
End Sub

Or another way with a little more flexibility. Specify the characters
allowed to be entered, e.g. numbers but no decimal.

Private Sub TextBox11_Change()
Dim AllowChars As String
Dim char As String, pos As Integer, newstr As String
' Select the allowable characters to be entered
AllowChars = "0123456789"
With Me.TextBox11
' Loop through the characters in the textbox
For pos = 1 To Len(.Text)
char = Mid(.Text, pos, 1)
' Is the current character allowed?
If InStr(1, AllowChars, char) > 0 Then
' If so, append it to the new string variable
newstr = newstr & char
End If
' Replace the old value with the new value
.Text = newstr
End With
End Sub

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