In which table is the EnterpriseProjectText2 field stored?


David Martin

Hi all - I have been trying to use Crystal Reports against the SQL database
and have been having some challenges reporting on enterprise fields. Looking
at the tables for the the EntepriseProjectText2 field, I found it in
MSP_View__Proj_Projects_Ent but when I pulled the field into a report, it
does not always contain accurate data. For some records, the contents of the
field are correct but for other records, the data is not correct. When I
create a view in Project Centre, all the correct data is in the Text2 field.
I think I'm pulling the data from the wrong that does not contain
current data...but I'm at a loss.

I also don't have a lot of SQL or database reporting experience.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

David Martin.

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