In Word '07, how do you change the footnote separator?



In previous versions of Word, if you went to view, normal view, view
footnotes, you could alter the footnote separator. The "Chicago Manual of
Style," 15th ed. requires no separator for footnotes on the same page, and a
short separator for continuing footnotes. I can't figure out how to do this
in Word 2007.

Tony Jollans

In Draft View (what used to be called Normal View) click on "Show Notes" on
the References tab on the Ribbon to open the Footnotes Pane (assuming you
have footnotes in the document) - it is just as before and you can edit the
separator there.


Tony Jollans said:
In Draft View (what used to be called Normal View) click on "Show Notes" on
the References tab on the Ribbon to open the Footnotes Pane (assuming you
have footnotes in the document) - it is just as before and you can edit the
separator there.

-- Once into the Footnotes Pane there was no obvious way of deleting the separator. Also, this need to be done on a template, if I force a footnote in then delete the separator will this be saved on the template.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

When you have selected the Footnote Separator (in the dropdown list) as the
item to view, just select the separator and press Delete. And yes, this
setting should be saved in your template.


As an aside, it makes no sense for this functionality to be hidden under
"Draft" mode. The only time you make changes to the footnote separator is
when you are tweaking the appearance of a final or near-final document. This
should be available under Page Layout view.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is actually legacy behavior. The footnote pane is displayed only in
Normal/Draft mode because in Print Layout mode you see the footnotes at the
bottom of the page.


Why can't I just point at the footnote separator in Page Layout and bring up
the footnote pane to change it? that seems like the most intuitive way to o

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I agree that this would make sense. Perhaps you should post this as a
suggestion (not that suggestions ever get read AFAICS).

Suzanne S. Barnhill

FWIW, I passed this up the line to one of the Word Product Group at MS, and
he agreed that this was something that should be done--perhaps by
right-click rather than double-click (as I had suggested to him). Don't look
to see it in the next version, however.

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