Here's a tip, BTW. My husband just installed Office 2007 and was wrestling
with Excel. When I was showing him how to use (and customize) the QAT, we
discovered accidentally that if you right-click on the Office Button, one of
the context menu items is Customize Quick Access Toolbar. To me that seems
like the quickest way to get to the Customize dialog--not any fewer clicks
than clicking the arrow at the end of the QAT, but the Office Button is a
bigger target, and the menu is shorter (three items), with the Customize
command right at the top, as opposed to disguised as "More Commands..." down
at the bottom.
Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
Right-click on the Quick Access Toolbar and go to "Customize." From
the "All Commands" (or "Commands Not On Ribbon") list, find the
several that have to do with Accepting Changes. AFAICT you can't
determine which is which just from the listing, so put each of them on
the QAT and check which is the one that does what you want (then
remove the ones that don't). (I did that right away, and it works
fine. I also put the Turn On Track Changes and Next and Previous
Change arrow buttons there, much easier than manipulating the Ribbon
all the time.)