Inability to Copy Sheet to Other Workbooks

  • Thread starter Henry Stockbridge
  • Start date

Henry Stockbridge


I need to copy an instruction sheet from one workbook into a series of
workbooks. When I run the following procedure, I either get a
'Subscript out of Range' , or the procedure runs, but does not copy
the sheet. Any help you can lend with this would be most helpful.


Sub Insert_Instructions()

Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wsInstructions As Worksheet

Dim vPath ' Unsure - string or variant?
Dim vName ' Unsure - string or variant?

Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open("c:\Instructions.xls")
Set wsInstructions = wbSource.Worksheets("Instructions")

vPath = "c:\ChangeRequests\"
vName = Dir(vPath, vbNormal)
Do While Not vName <> ""
If (GetAttr(vPath & vName) And vbNormal) = vbNormal Then
Workbooks.Open vPath & vName
wsInstructions.Copy Before:=Workbooks(vPath &
Workbooks(vPath & vName).Save
Workbooks(vPath & vName).Close
End If

vName = Dir

wbSource.Close SaveChanges:=False

Set wsInstructions = Nothing
Set wbSource = Nothing

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Sub Insert_Instructions()

Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wsInstructions As Worksheet

Dim vPath as string
Dim vName as Striing

Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open("c:\Instructions.xls")
Set wsInstructions = wbSource.Worksheets("Instructions")

vPath = "c:\ChangeRequests\"
vName = Dir(vPath, vbNormal)
Do While Not vName <> ""
If (GetAttr(vPath & vName) And vbNormal) = vbNormal Then
Workbooks.Open vPath & vName
wsInstructions.Copy Before:=Workbooks(vName).Sheets(1)
Workbooks(vName).Close SaveChanges:=True
End If

vName = Dir

wbSource.Close SaveChanges:=False

Set wsInstructions = Nothing
Set wbSource = Nothing

End Sub

Henry Stockbridge

Sub Insert_Instructions()

Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wsInstructions As Worksheet

Dim vPath as string
Dim vName as Striing

Set wbSource = Workbooks.Open("c:\Instructions.xls")
Set wsInstructions = wbSource.Worksheets("Instructions")

vPath = "c:\ChangeRequests\"
vName = Dir(vPath, vbNormal)
Do While Not vName <> ""
If (GetAttr(vPath & vName) And vbNormal) = vbNormal Then
Workbooks.Open vPath & vName
wsInstructions.Copy Before:=Workbooks(vName).Sheets(1)
Workbooks(vName).Close SaveChanges:=True
End If

vName = Dir

wbSource.Close SaveChanges:=False

Set wsInstructions = Nothing
Set wbSource = Nothing

End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

- Show quoted text -


Thanks for the help. Your code works like a charm.



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