Inaccurate OLAP Cube Data



We have a stituation where the data displayed from the OLAP cubes differs
from the data in MSP and PWA. This seems to be specifically for the Baseline
Cost field. The issue occurs for quite a lot of projects, but not for all. We
made sure that the projects have been published and that the cube was built
again, bit still the data from the OLAP cubes are different from that of MSP
and PWA. We did make sure that we are connceting to the right OLAP DB and we
can confirm that other changes made to schedules do reflect accurately. From
investigation it seems that the data in the Reporting DB is indeed correct.

We have logged a call with Microsoft for a similar issue back in 2008
(another EPM environment) - at that stage the feedback was that there will be
a fix in the cumulative update in 2008. We did not get any feedback since
then and did not follow it up again either. We are now way past the 2008
updates (Oct 2009 Cumulative Update).

Does anyone have any further advice in order to establish the cause or find
a solutio for this?


Barbara - Austria

Hi Coenraad,

since you found data in Reporting DB incorrect, you could try to force a

Initiate an RDB (reporting database) refresh job –
1. From PWA -> Server Settings -> Administrative Backup, take backup of
‘Enterprise Custom Fields’.
2. From PWA -> Server Settings -> Administrative Restore, restore
‘Enterprise Custom Fields’.

From my experience: Depending on the size of your database, administrative
restore can take an hour or even more, so it should be done outside normal
working hours ;-). Most of the time you will only see "waiting to be
processed" with standard setting in your queue. Adding "Success" to "Job
Completion States" will show that a lot happens in the background.

That procedure did help me three times so far. In one case I had to do it
two times to get it (second time I did only an administrative restore).

Good luck!

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