Inbox problem



This morning I downloaded messages and only these were displayed. All the
other messages in my inbox had disappeared. It was as if there were there but
I could not see them as under "received" it said "none" for each one of them
and the total was displayed at the bottom of the screen (300 items)
I then opened another folder and all was fine. When I came back to the inbox
folder i could not see the new messages anymore. But by inbox the number 6 is
in bold (as in 6 unread messages).
I tried to click on "autopreview" and some old messages appeared. I couldn't
open them. I went back to normal view and these messages stayed in the inbox.
So I now have only a few old messages I can see.
If I try to scroll up, as the messages I can see are the oldest ones at the
bottom of the list, I can't.
Anyone can help?

Jay K

what version of Outlook are you using?

Have you tried to EXPAND the headders for what your are sorting the email by
- EG, if you sorted by 'Date', make sure you expand Today, Yesterday, last
Week etc...


I use 2003

I am not sure how to EXPAND but if I go in "view" I can not click on
"expand/collapse" as it is of a lighter color. I usually sort my messages by
date received and I don't use groups.

I tried different things such as going into the "customize current view" but
could see anything wrong there. Any other idea?

thanks fro your help.

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