Hello Jim,
First I would like to confirm with you if you follow the steps I provided
exactly. You may notice, I recommend you "right click on Inbox and click on
COPY" rather than Delete at the fifth step.
If you choose COPY option but the problem still persists, let us try
another strategy:
Step 1: Backup Inbox Folder.
1. In Outlook, create a new PST file.
2. Right click the Inbox Folder in Deleted Items Folder, click Copy Inbox,
and select PST as destination.
Step 2: Remove Inbox Folder in Deleted Items Folder
1. Start the MDB Viewer (Mdbvu32.exe) on an Outlook client. You can get it
from the following link:
2. At the MAPILogonEx(MAPI_LOGON_UI) dialog box, click OK.
3. At the Profile dialog box, select the proper profile for special user
4. In the MDB Viewer Test Application dialog box, click MDB menu, then
click Open Message Store.
5. Click the mailbox profile <servername DS>, click the Best Access option
(if it is not already selected), and then click Open.
6. In the MDB Viewer Test Application dialog box, click MDB menu, and then
click Open IPM Subtree.
7. Double click Deleted Items in Child Folder list, a new window appears.
8. Click Inbox folder, In the Operations Available drop-down menu, click
IpFld->DeleteFolder, and then click the Call Function button.
9. In Flags, check "DEL_MESSAGES" and "DEL_FOLDERs" boxes, and click OK.
10. In the MAPI_FOLDER - Top Of Information Store dialog box, click Close.
11. In the MAPI_FOLDER - Root dialog box, click Close.
12. On the MDB menu, click Store Logoff, and then click OK in the IpMDB-
StoreLogoff() dialog box.
13. On the Session menu, click Session Logoff.
14. On the Session menu, click Exit to close the Mdbvu32 file.
Step 3: Start Outlook with the outlook.exe /resetfolders switch to rebuild
the Inbox Folder. After that, you can simply import the Inbox content in
PST into the real Inbox Folder.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other concerns or
questions. Thanks!
Ada Pan
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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